Maxwell Company Services
Maxwell's staff consists of training specialists who are proficient in a myriad of software programs. In addition to their software expertise, our training staff has valuable experience in business applications. They educate students not only in software features, but on the practical application of those features relevant to the students' work environment. They are extremely accommodating and offer customized training and dedicated off-site classes with minimal advanced notice.
Maxwell's highly qualified software trainers are available for onsite training programs. Each student should have his/her own PC as well as a dedicated PC for the instructor. As at our facility, each student receives a professionally developed student workbook, lessons diskette, highlighter pen, certificate of course completion, and free after-class telephone support via an 800 telephone number.
Distance Learning/Intel Pro-Share Desktop Video Training
Services include consulting, training support and
turnkey equipment leasing options. Maxwell provides office
automation software training and help desk services delivered via
Intel ProShare providing just-in-time
and distance learning solutions.
Deskside Assistance Service
Maxwell understands that training is not an isolated event, but an ongoing process. Deskside Assistance Service is one-on-one training at the employee's workstation; it is contracted in whole day increments. Employees schedule time with the trainer through either an internal administrator or with Maxwell directly.
One-on-one Executive Training
Prior to scheduling personalized training sessions, we analyze the individual's requirements and select the most qualified member of our senior training staff to provide the training.
Our Skills Assessment Service is a
process of interviews between our senior training staff and your
employees. Each prospective student is interviewed for
approximately 20 to 30 minutes. The interview encompasses job
responsibilities, identifying an employee's current skills,
documentation (generated either on the computer or manually),
anticipated future needs, as well as ideas he/she has for
automating their own responsibilities.
Help Desk - Telephone or Interactive
Pre-training and post-training resources to ensure that training and productivity is an ongoing process, not an isolated event. Help Desk services can be delivered via toll-free telephone or interactive desktop video products such as Intel ProShare. The Maxwell Help Desk can act as primary first line of support or as backup to internal resources.
Maximum Productivity Seminar Series
This seminar series provides a free service to the business community by demonstrating leading edge technology in a short overview session. The two hour seminars are held at our training facility on topics such as: Desktop Video Conferencing, Windows NT, Lotus Notes 4.x Update, Designing an Intranet, and Windows 95 Migration.
Along with being a part of the Microsoft Solution Provider Program, MAXWELL is the Delaware Valley's Certified Learning Center for an international association of over 250 independent training centers. All of these training centers use the same curriculum and student training manuals to ensure consistent training at your national locations.
MAXWELL currently provides national training at over forty locations for a number of companies, such as SmithKline Beecham Clinical Labs, U.S. Healthcare, Comcast Metrophone, Bell Atlantic and ARCO Chemical Company. For companies with national training requirements, MAXWELL can serve you from over 250 worldwide locations as the single point of contact for quality control, billing, curriculum issues, scheduling and administration.
LearnItOnline is available for Office 95 and Office 97 as a new training option. This unique technology will provide you with a simulated learning environment that will give you the feeling you are actually running the live application right through your browser. Click HERE to sample our demo version!
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� 1996 Maxwell Training Centers, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Northtowne Plaza, 2860 DeKalb Pike, Norristown, Pa. 19401
Phone: (800) 292-0450, Fax: (610) 277-2081
Email: [email protected]