Press Release
For Immediate Release
July, 1997
Contact: Hope Lindauer, Education Services Manager
(800) 292-0450
(Norristown, Pa.) - Maxwell Training Centers, Inc. (MAXWELL) is pleased to announce its recent approval as a MICROSOFT Authorized Certification Testing Center (ACT). This designation complements the Certified MICROSOFT Office User (CMOU) program just launched at Windows World, June 2nd in Atlanta, GA. During MICROSOFTs program development phase MAXWELLs courseware was certified to provide the knowledge and skills needed to pass the exams.
The CMOU program recognizes end-users who have achieved mastery-level performance using MICROSOFT Office or end user products. Certification is available for many Office 97 applications as well as Office 95 applications at both Proficient and Expert User levels. There are also criteria for certification for the Office family of products such as Outlook and FrontPage 97.
As a general rule of thumb, Proficient Users can handle a wide range of everyday tasks with ease. Expert Users are expected to do all those everyday tasks, plus handle more complex assignments that require advanced formatting and functionality.
Corporations can benefit from this program by:
Certification examinations are performance based so that testing occurs in the software application rather than by answering multiple-choice questions about the application. Content is derived from real-world document production that most accurately duplicates on-the-job performance.
MAXWELL is a full service technology training company concentrating in providing the corporate community with a variety of training and support services related to MICROSOFT, LOTUS DEVELOPMENT and Internet technologies. MICROSOFT is the worldwide leader in software for personal computers. MICROSOFT offers a wide range of products and services for business and personal use; each designed with the mission of making it easier and more enjoyable for people to take advantage of the full power of personal computing everyday.