Press Release

For Immediate Release
July, 1997
Contact: Hope Lindauer, Education Services Manager
(800) 292-0450

(Norristown, Pa.) - Maxwell Training Centers, Inc. (MAXWELL) is pleased to announce it’s recent approval as a MICROSOFT Authorized Technical Education Center (ATEC). MAXWELL will now be delivering MICROSOFT's official technical training curriculum. MICROSOFT strictly regulates who delivers their curriculum due to the technical nature of the courses, as well as, their concern for the quality of the education.

MAXWELL is well known for its dedication to high-quality technology training services. "The addition of the MICROSOFT ATEC curriculum is the logical progression in providing our customers with a quality single vendor solution", states Bob Maiden, President. "Our commitment to quality will make this program a success. Providing quality education is what we have built our reputation on and this will be carried through to the "technical" courses as well. For our customers, this will mean that they can expect the same positive learning experience for applications training and high-end technical training."

MAXWELL is a full service technology training company concentrating in providing the corporate community with a variety of training and support services related to MICROSOFT, LOTUS DEVELOPMENT and Internet technologies. MICROSOFT is the worldwide leader in software for personal computers. MICROSOFT offers a wide range of products and services for business and personal use; each designed with the mission of making it easier and more enjoyable for people to take advantage of the full power of personal computing every day.